Attendee Policies
The attendee policy for Miryokucon. Please familiarize yourself with them and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask staff.
Code of Conduct
Miryokucon is dedicated to providing a comfortable and harassment-free environment for everyone, where all people are treated with dignity, decency, and respect. Please be aware of and respect the personal boundaries of your fellow participants so that everyone can enjoy their time at the event.
Volunteer Code of Conduct
Miryokucon is a event run entirely by volunteers. This volunteer code of conduct outlines our expectations for all volunteers who participate in our events, meetings, and community social media, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior. We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, identity, age, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).
Weapon and Prop Policy
Weapons policies at Miryokucon are for your (and others’) safety, and include (but are not limited to) the following. This policy is subject to change at anytime.