Miryokucon is a event run entirely by volunteers. This volunteer code of conduct outlines our expectations for all volunteers who participate in our events, meetings, and community social media, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior. We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, identity, age, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).
We invite all those who participate in Miryokucon as a volunteer to help us create safe, friendly, and positive experiences for everyone. If you see someone who is making an extra effort to ensure our community is welcoming, friendly, and encourages all participants to contribute to the fullest extent, we want to know.
As a volunteer for Miryokucon, you are expected and required to conduct yourself in a professional and business appropriate manner at all times while representing the organization. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Violations of Miryokucon policies or the code of conduct will be considered grounds for possible and immediate dismissal.
Your cooperation is needed to ensure Miryokucon events and communication channels are a safe and family-friendly environment. Disruptive behavior or harassment of any sort is not tolerated. (Please see Section 2 for specific examples of harassment and disruptive behavior.)
Violations of our Code of Conduct may result actions such as:
- A private discussion of behavior with the appropriate parties
- Forcible ejection from the event
- Removal from any and all volunteer positions
- Ban from online participation and/or future events
Expected Behavior
The following behaviors are expected and requested of all Miryokucon volunteers:
- Report to work your assigned shifts as established by your department head
- Abide by the convention attendee code of conduct.
- Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions.
- Attempt collaboration before conflict.
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
- Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert senior volunteers if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this Code of Conduct, even if they seem inconsequential.
- Remember that convention venues may be shared with members of the public; please be respectful to all patrons of these locations.
Unacceptable Behavior
The following list of behaviors provide examples of what is considered unacceptable within our community. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Violence, threats of violence or violent language directed against another person.
- Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory jokes and language.
- Posting or displaying sexually explicit or violent material (excluding designated 18+ content, panels, etc).
- Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”).
- Personal insults, particularly those related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, body type, or disability, etc.
- Heckling
- Inebriation/intoxication while on duty
- Non-consensual photography or recording (excludes Otakon’s official Con Coverage Photographers)
- Non-consensual physical contact. You need to have someone’s consent before touching them.
- Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes: sexualized comments or jokes, inappropriate touching, groping, and unwelcomed sexual advances.
- Sustained disruption of community events, including talks and presentations at meetings and conventions.
- Continuing to engage in such behavior after you have been asked to stop
- Anything that is illegal in the community is also illegal at our events.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior
Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated from any member, volunteer, attendee, participant, sponsor, vendor, contractor, partner, or guest.
Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.
If a member engages in unacceptable behavior, Miryokucon may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including a temporary ban or permanent expulsion from participation, without warning (and without refund in the case of a paid event). Any violations of local, state, and federal law may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Addressing Grievances
If you feel you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating this Code of Conduct, you should notify us with a concise description of your grievance. Please see Contact Info section for how to contact us. Your grievance will be handled in accordance with our existing governing policies.
Illegal Code of Conduct violations occurring outside of official event or online spaces cannot be enforced by Miryokucon; situations of this nature might require engagement of law enforcement by the individual. Examples including, but not limited to: stalking, drugs, weapons, assault (sexual or otherwise).